Meet the Artist
Artist’s Statement by Lisa Purcell
Instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I have before my eyes, I use color in an abstract way to express myself forcibly. I use colors that are exaggerated, more energetic, more expressive than those I actually”see”in my subject. I also greatly simplify the shapes and forms of the objects I am painting – bringing out only what is essential, integral to my subject. Additionally, I have begun to experiment with how pigments interact with each other, begun to use various medias together – sometimes in unconventional ways. More and more I have started paying attention to the physical qualities of the paint itself, its texture, color and shape.
I have worked in Watercolor, Gouache, Pastels, Egg Tempera, Acrylic, Water-Soluble Oils, Alcohol Inks, and Mixed Media. Created Found Art/Construction Sculptures and Mobiles using: Found Items, Odd Bits, Natural Ephemera and Recycled Objects. I am now exploring the possibilities of digital.
Note: My older works have the signature, "LP". I changed my signature. My favorite uncle was "Uncle Imp". The lower case of my initals appear to spell his name. He died from complications of Alzheimer's. This is my tribute to him.